hong yi

Retrato: Louis Pang

Hong Yi, es una artista-arquitecta nacida en Malasia. Es conocida como la artista que ama la pintura y que no usa pincel. Su retrato de Yao Ming hecho con tinta y un pelota de baloncesto y  el de Jay Chou utilizando café fueron hits de Youtube. Sus otros trabajos incluyen retratos Ai Weiwei con 100.000 semillas de girasol y Zhang Yimou, usando 750 pares de calcetines y palillos de bambú. El trabajo que les comparto se llama ’31 days of Creativity in March’ (31 días de creatividad en Marzo), que consiste, en hacer todos los días del mes de marzo, un cuadro usando comida,  sobre un plato blanco que será el lienzo, los cuales subirá cada día a su cuenta de instagram usando el hashtag #Creativemarch

Cada vez que la artista comparta su obra en Instagram la subiré a esta página para que puedas verlas todas.

Day#1: Water Melon!


Day#2: The Scream by Edvard MUNCH (El Grito)


Day# 3:  Hoy encontré un pequeño jardín en mi plato. El sol también salió.


Day#4. Mi corazón está muy dolido, por favor recen por Sabah (‘Un grupo de hombres armados invadieron y ocuparon el area de un pequeño pueblo, y se inició una violenta batalla entre ellos y la policia. La situación es terrible, ha muerto mucha gente, y estan llenos de miedo’ afirma la artista)


Day 5: “Sonny, if anything, just stay far far away from Colonel Sanders.”


Day 6: “All you need is love…”

dia 6

Day 7: My adaptation of “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Hokusai Katsushika. That’s Mt Fuji in the background!


Day 8: Saw a dragon in my dragon fruit today! Has anyone not seen a dragon fruit before? Google it! :3


Day 9: “Hello there, Richard Parker!” (Tigre hecho con zanahorias, rábano y ciruelas pasas. Servido con un chorrito de aceite de oliva y un zig zag de viangre balsámico, voila! un plato divertido de ensalada!)


Day 10: Four dogs in my oreos!

puedes nombrar las 4 razas?

Probablemente este ha sido el más dificil hasta ahora -complicado trabajar con la crema de las galletas oreo en este clima tropical, puesto que se repite muy fácil, además de que es muy duro no darle pequeños mordiscos a la galleta mientras hago las formas.


Day 11: Campbell’s Tomato Soup! …hecho con salsa de tomate, mayonesa, mostaza y salsa de ostras! Tomó un tiempo que se ‘condensara’ para que se viera bien


Day 12: Giant Squid Attack! Hecho con calamar y tinta de calamar ! El más ‘sucio’ de los platos que he hecho hasta ahora jajaj…. Este calamar irá adentro de mi sopa esta noche.

dia 12

Día 13: Banksy on my plate! Hecho con alga nori y manzana,

What does this Banksy piece of the maid mean to you?

Ps: Banksy was my second attempt today. The first was Taylor Swift with instant noodles, which failed big time. I ended up sharing her hair with my dog Chowder.

dia 13

Day 14: Arctic melting.
Something a little simpler today

dia 14



Day 15:Guess who stay in these three little houses? House 1 made of angel hair pasta, house 2 biscuit sticks, house 3 dried chilli. Chimney smoke, mayonnaise. Stuck together with peanut butter. Dill for grass. Part 2 coming up…


Day 16: Three Little Pigs…part 2. Wolf made of charcoal bread, pigs made of kidney beans.


Day 17: Three Little Pigs – Part 3. This is how the third pig REALLY got away. He’s a big Pixar fan as you can tell


Day 18: cucumber landscape. Made from one single cucumber. 🙂


Day 19: Owl-nion! Haha. Made of onions and mint leaves. My eyes were teary as I was making this piece though!


Day 20: Tiny tutus. Something simple for all the ballerinas out there… Tried something different by playing with the shadows of the plate to create a spotlight effect for the ballerinas. Made of chocolate syrup and coloured chocolate shavings.


Day 21: “You’re my butter half”. Made of Bovril and butter and chilli…just to spice things up a bit. 😉


Day 22: Carnivore vs herbivore. Made of beef, spinach, and parsley. A new way to serve carpaccio…add olive oil, shaved cheese, salt, pepper n lemon n u’re done!


Day 23: An eggplant circus…and a nervous-looking elephantdia23

Day 24.Louis Vuitton monogram mushrooms



Day 25: Field of tulips.! Tulips are made of chilli padi, or baby chillis


Day 26: The Malaysian parliament has been dissolved! ! Made of Tang orange powder dissolved in water. Pools of water makes out a faint YELLOW map of Malaysia


Day 27: Kuala Lumpur skyline in my nasi lemak! Nasi lemak is considered the national dish of Malaysia n is traditionally served with cucumber slices, small fried anchovies, roasted peanuts, hard boiled egg, rice cooked with coconut cream and sambal, a hot spicy sauce, wrapped in banana leaves. Google it if u haven’t seen it before! #creativemarch


Day 28: Red cabbage Marchesa Salad! With a few dollops of mayonnaise


Day 29: Goldfish in my consommé! This is my most time consuming piece yet…it took 4 hours and I only got it right on my 2nd try! inspired by Riusuke Fukahori’s goldfish art and how he paints them on resin for that 3d realistic look!

A new way to serve appetiser (move over molecular gastronomy!) —goldfish made of pickled ginger (or substitute with raw salmon…but i like ginger cos it has a certain transparency that make the goldfish look more real), eyeballs of century eggs (google if you haven’t heard of them…they’re Chinese black eggs!), grass made of dill and jelly made of chicken consomme and gelatine.


Day 30: Tropical fruit pufferfish! This piece is made of 4 different fruits from Southeast Asia! Can you name them?

_Body: Durian – known as the “king of fruits”, it is strong smelling, has a spikey husk and creamy flesh. They say u either love or hate it. I love it!
_eye: longan, similar to lychees
_tail/fin: chiku, a super sweet fruit, texture like a well-ripened pear
_water: pomelo, looks like a giant grapefruit the size of a soccer ball! #creativemarch


Day 31.My last piece for my “31 Days of Creativity with Food” project!!!


